
AI & Property Valuation: Is your Business Ready for it? 

AI, ML, and Chat GPT everything your Property Valuation businesses needs to know about it.
Valos Valuation Quiz

Valos Valuation Quiz 11

How well do you know your Inspection guidelines...

Part 3 The Role of Technology in Property Valuations: Radiant Reporting

This is the third and final article in our series. Here we discuss how technology can improve reports and the workday of a Valuer.

Part 2 The Role of Technology in Property Valuations: Data Dos and Don’t Even Bothers

This is the second article in our series. It focuses on the importance of data; where it comes from, accuracy, availability and how technology has improved data...

Aitchison Raffety driving positive change in the valuation sector with market-leading technology

Being early adopters of Valos technology over two years ago, they have harnessed its power to...
Valos Valuation Quiz

Valos Valuation Quiz 10

How well do you know your VPGA's...
Valos Valuation Quiz

Valos Valuation Quiz 9

Do you know what VPS acronym stands for...

Part 1 The Role of Technology in Property Valuations: The Introduction of ‘Valtech’

This article is the first in our series examining the role of technology in the property valuation process. It explores the introduction of technology for property...
Valos Valuation Quiz

Valos Valuation Quiz 8

Do you know what VPS 5 covers...
Valos Valuation Quiz

Valos Valuation Quiz 7

Do you know what an Intangible Asset is...